/* TicTacToe
*  ------------------
*  iio.js version 1.4 

// define a new iio app
function TicTacToe( app, settings ){

  // set the background color to black
  app.set({ color: 'black' });
  // add a 3x3 grid to app center
  var grid = app.add( new iio.Grid({
    pos: app.center,
    // make the grid as big as the smaller screen dimension
    width: ( app.height < app.width ) ? app.height : app.width,
    lineWidth: 5,

  // define boolean to indicate player turns
  var xTurn = true;

  // define a function to be called when the grid is clicked
  grid.onMouseDown = function( grid, event, pos, cell ){

    // if the clicked cell is empty

      // add a new Text object to the cell
      cell.add( new iio.Text({
        // depending upon the current turn
        // set the object text and color
        text: xTurn ? 'X' : 'O',
        color: xTurn ? 'red' : 'iioblue',
        size: cell.width,
        font: 'sans-serif',

      // create a new property in cell to
      // indicate that it is not empty
      cell.taken = true;

      // change turns
      xTurn = !xTurn;

  // if settings are passed and preview is active
  if( settings && settings.preview )
    // generate 4 random selections
    for( var i=0; i<4; i++ )
      grid.onMouseDown( grid, {}, {}, grid.objs[iio.randomInt( 0,8 )] );

// start the app on an existing canvas
iio.start( TicTacToe, 'canvasId' );