/* Snake
*  ------------------
*  iio.js version 1.4 

// define a new iio app
Snake = function( app, settings ){

  // initialize settings
  settings = settings || {};

  // define the number of columns
  var num_columns = 20;

  // limit column number if preview
  if( settings.preview )
    num_columns = 10;

  // define direction constants
  var UP = 0;
  var RIGHT = 1;
  var DOWN = 2;
  var LEFT = 3;

  // properties shared by snake and food
  var shared_props = {
    outline: 'white',
    lineWidth: 1,
    shadow: 'black',
    shadowBlur: 20,
    width: Math.floor( app.width / num_columns )

  // define game objects and initial values
  var food;
  var snake = {
    head: {},
    body: [],
    initial_direction: RIGHT,
    initial_pos: new iio.Vector(
      shared_props.width * num_columns/2 + shared_props.width/2,
      shared_props.width * 4 + shared_props.width/2
    initial_body_length: 4,
    initial_speed: 4,
    speed: 4,
    width: shared_props.width
  // restart the game
  function reset(){

    // clear all objects and loops from app

    // set the snake color to a random color
    shared_props.color = iio.Color.random();

    // set the background color to the inverse color
    app.set({ color: shared_props.color.clone().invert() });

    // create snake head
    snake.head = app.add( new iio.Quad( shared_props, {
      pos: snake.initial_pos.clone()
      // pass true to supress app draw
    }), true );

    // clear snake body
    snake.body = [];

    // create snake body
    for(var i = 0; i < snake.initial_body_length-1; i++)
      snake.body[i] = app.add( new iio.Quad( shared_props, {
          snake.initial_pos.x - snake.width * (i+1),
        // pass true to supress app draw
      }), true );

    // set initial properties
    snake.direction = RIGHT;
    snake.speed = snake.initial_speed;

    // create food

  // create food
  function makeFood(){

    // define a random grid position in the view 
    var randomPos = new iio.Vector(
      snake.width * iio.randomInt(0,num_columns) + snake.width/2,
      snake.width * iio.randomInt(0,app.height / snake.width) 
        + snake.width/2

    // create food object
    food = app.add( new iio.Quad( shared_props, {
      pos: randomPos
      // pass true to supress app draw
    }), true );

  // keypress handling
  // sets snake direction depending on key value
  app.keyDown = function( event, key ){ 

    // if snake isn't moving down
    if( snake.direction != DOWN 
      && key === 'up arrow' || key === 'w' )
      snake.direction = UP;

    // if snake isn't moving left
    else if( snake.direction != LEFT 
      && key === 'right arrow' || key === 'd' ) 
      snake.direction = RIGHT;

    // if snake isn't moving up
    else if( snake.direction != UP 
      && key === 'down arrow' || key === 's' ) 
      snake.direction = DOWN;

    // if snake isn't moving right
    else if( snake.direction != RIGHT 
      && key === 'left arrow' || key === 'a' ) 
      snake.direction = LEFT; 

  // define a function to be called on every update
  app.onUpdate = function(){

    // if not preview, reset the game if the snake's head
    // overlaps with the snake body
    if( !settings.preview )
      for(var i=1; i<snake.body.length; i++)
        if( snake.head.pos.equals( snake.body[i].pos ) )
          // GAME OVER

    // if the snake head overlaps the food, eat the food
    if( snake.head.pos.equals( food.pos ) ){

      // add the food part of the snake body
      snake.body.push( food );
      // make a new food object
      // increase the snake's speed

    // move all snake body parts to the position of
    // the preceding body part
    for( var i = snake.body.length-1; i>0; i-- ){
      snake.body[i].pos.x = snake.body[i-1].pos.x;
      snake.body[i].pos.y = snake.body[i-1].pos.y;

    // move the snake body directly behind the snake head
    // to the position of the snake head
    snake.body[0].pos.x = snake.head.pos.x;
    snake.body[0].pos.y = snake.head.pos.y;

    // if preview, randomize the snake direction 
    if( settings.preview && iio.random() < 0.4 )
      snake.direction = iio.randomInt(0,4);

    // move the snake head depending upon its direction
    // then check wall collisions for game over
      // move the snake head up
      case UP: 
        snake.head.pos.y -= snake.width;
        // GAME OVER if snake hits the wall
        if(snake.head.pos.y-snake.width/2 < 0) 
      // move the snake head right
      case RIGHT: 
        snake.head.pos.x += snake.width; 
        // GAME OVER if snake hits the wall
        if(snake.head.pos.x > app.width) 
      // move the snake head down
      case DOWN: 
        snake.head.pos.y += snake.width; 
        // GAME OVER if snake hits the wall
      // move the snake head left
      case LEFT: 
        snake.head.pos.x -= snake.width;
        // GAME OVER if snake hits the wall

    // set the speed of the game loop
    return snake.speed;

  // initialize the game

  // loop onUpdate at the initial speed
  app.loop( snake.initial_speed );

// start the app full screen
iio.start( Snake );