/* MineSweeper
*  ------------------
*  iio.js version 1.4 

// define a new iio app
function MineSweeper( app, settings ){

  // Game Properties
  // -------------------------------------------------------

  // initialize settings
  settings = settings || {};

  // initialize game color
  var game_color = settings.color || iio.Color.random();

  // define number of rows/columns
  var res = 15;

  // define number of bombs 
  var num_bombs = 30;

  // if preview is active,
  // limit the number of columns and bombs
  if( settings.preview ) {
    res = 6;
    num_bombs = 7;

  // if preview is not active,
  // set background to the inverse color
  if( !settings.preview )
    app.set({ color: game_color.clone().invert() });

  // Game Functions
  // -------------------------------------------------------

  // create new cell cover
  function cellCover(){
    return new iio.Quad({
      width: grid.cells[0][0].height/1.2,
      color: game_color

  // create new cell text
  function cellText( string, color ){
    return new iio.Text({
      font: 'sans-serif',
      // reduce text size if preview is active
      size: ( settings.preview ) ? 12 : 20,
      text: string,
      color: color

  // if a bomb is at the given location
  // increase the number of bombs
  // (used to count bombs around each cell)
  function checkForBomb(c,r){
    if( c >= 0 && c < grid.C 
     && r >= 0 && r < grid.R 
     && grid.cells[c][r].BOMB)

  // if the given coordinates correspond to a cell
  // on the grid that is still covered and has no
  // surrounding bombs, return true
  // otherwise return false
  function checkforZero(c,r){
    if( c >= 0 && c < grid.C && r >= 0 && r < grid.R 
      && grid.cells[c][r].objs.length > 1 
      && grid.cells[c][r].objs[0].text == '0' )
      return true;
    return false;

  // if the given coordinates correspond to a cell
  // on the grid that is still covered,
  // remove the cover and suppress the redraw
  function unhide(c,r){
    if( c >= 0 && c < grid.C && r >= 0 && r < grid.R 
      && grid.cells[c][r].objs.length > 1 )
      grid.cells[c][r].rmv( 1, true );

  // for the cell at the given coordinates,
  // remove its cover and the covers of all neighbors,
  // recursively clear all neighboring 0 cells
  function clearZeros(c,r){

    // remove the cell cover
    grid.cells[c][r].rmv( 1, true );

    // call clearZeros on any neighboring cell
    // with a bomb count of 0
    // remove the cell cover of all neighbors 
    if(checkforZero(c-1,r-1)) clearZeros(c-1,r-1);
    else unhide(c-1,r-1);
    if(checkforZero(c-1,r)) clearZeros(c-1,r);
    else unhide(c-1,r);
    if(checkforZero(c-1,r+1)) clearZeros(c-1,r+1);
    else unhide(c-1,r+1);
    if(checkforZero(c,r-1)) clearZeros(c,r-1);
    else unhide(c,r-1);
    if(checkforZero(c,r+1)) clearZeros(c,r+1);
    else unhide(c,r+1);
    if(checkforZero(c+1,r-1)) clearZeros(c+1,r-1);
    else unhide(c+1,r-1);
    if(checkforZero(c+1,r)) clearZeros(c+1,r);
    else unhide(c+1,r);
    if(checkforZero(c+1,r+1)) clearZeros(c+1,r+1);
    else unhide(c+1,r+1); 

  // create an explosion of square particles
  // originating at the given coordinates
  function explosion( x, y ){
    for(var i=0; i<100; i++)
      app.add( new iio.Quad({
        pos: [x,y],
        color: game_color,
        width: 5,
        vel: [
        // set random rotational velocity
        rVel: iio.random(-.01,.01),
        // bound particles so they are
        // removed when they travel off screen
        bounds: {
          top: 0,
          bottom: app.height,
          right: app.width,
          left: 0,
      // pass true to suppress app redraw
      }), true)

  // Game Initialization
  // -------------------------------------------------------

  // disable the context menu on right clicks
  app.canvas.oncontextmenu = function(){ return false };

  // create the game grid
  var grid = app.add( new iio.Grid({
    pos: app.center,
    color: game_color,
    // reduce grid line width if preview is active
    lineWidth: ( settings.preview ) ? 1 : 4,
    // make the grid as big as the smaller screen dimension
    width: ( app.height < app.width ) ? app.height : app.width,
    R: res,
    C: res
    // pass true to suppress app redraw
  }), true );

  // place bombs
  var bombs = [];
  var bombs_placed = 0;
  var c,r;
  while( bombs_placed < num_bombs ){

    //get random coordinate
    c = iio.randomInt( 0, grid.C );
    r = iio.randomInt( 0, grid.R );

    //if no bomb is present, place a bomb
    if( !grid.cells[c][r].BOMB ){

      // indicate that a bomb is in the cell
      grid.cells[c][r].BOMB = true;

      // if preview is not active
      // set bomb text "!"
      if( !settings.preview ) 
          cellText( "!", 'red' ), true);

      // add bomb cover
      grid.cells[c][r].add( cellCover(), true);


  // add numbers and covers to non-bomb cells
  for( c=0; c<grid.C; c++ )
    for( r=0; r<grid.R; r++ )
      if( !grid.cells[c][r].BOMB ){

        // initialize var to count neighboring bombs
        bombs_placed = 0;

        // check neighbors for bombs
        // add neighboring bomb count text
          cellText( bombs_placed, game_color ), true);

        // add cell cover
        grid.cells[c][r].add( cellCover(), true);

  // redraw

  // define a function to be called when the grid is clicked
  grid.onMouseDown = function( grid, event, pos, cell){

    // handle right clicks
    if( event.button === 2 ) {

      // prevent the context menu from displaying

      // mark the cover of the cell
      // if it exists
      if( cell.objs.length > 1 )
        cell.objs[1].set({ color:'white' });

    // handle left clicks
    else {
      // remove the cell cover
      cell.rmv( 1, true );
      // if the cell is touching 0 bombs
      // clear all surrounding 0 cells
      if( cell.objs[0].text == '0' )
        clearZeros( cell.c, cell.r );

      // if the cell has a bomb
      // create an explosion animation
      // originating at the cell position
      else if( cell.BOMB )
          grid.pos.x + cell.pos.x,
          grid.pos.y + cell.pos.y

      // redraw

  // if preview is active, click a random
  // cell to simulate gameplay
  if( settings.preview )
    for( c=1; c<grid.C; c++ )
      for( r=1; r<grid.R; r++ )
        if( grid.cells[c][r].objs[0].text == '0' ){
          grid.onMouseDown( grid, {}, {}, grid.cells[c][r] );

// start the app fullscreen
iio.start( MineSweeper );